Accessibility features of Help

    The accessible HTML-based help system provides easy navigation online, as well as easy reading using third-party readers compatible with Windows. The following are features of Help that make it accessible to the vision- and motion-challenged community:

    • Alternate text for images. All images in Help include alternate text.
    • All links provide context. All links include information about the target of the link (usually the topic's title). In the Index, this information is encoded in the link's TITLE attribute, which some screen readers use instead of link text.
    • All information conveyed with color is available without color. For example, all links are blue and underlined.
    • Standard tags represent the information's hierarchy. The topics are formatted using standard HTML tags (for example, H1, H2, and H3) that indicate the information's hierarchy.
    • Style sheets control the formatting. The topics contain no embedded font tags. The help system should be functional if you use your own style sheet or change the font size and styles your browser uses.
    • High contrast between foreground and background colors. The black text against the white background provides high-contrast viewing.
    • Site Map. All topics in Help appear in the Site Map.
    • All frames include meaningful titles. Screen readers use these titles to provide context.